In 2025 a meteorite struck the Earth, splitting the ground and opening a rift containing masses of unidentified, extraterrestrial energy known as Dynamo.

The discovery was groundbreaking for humanity. This new source of energy was capable of powering bleeding-edge technology. Rapid technological advancements sparked a global superpower race in advanced computer technology and warfare. The cultivation of Dynamo’s high-octane power resulted in the creation of complex biomechanical weapons and sentient computers… Which soon escalated into a 100-year conflict resulting in billions of casualties.

The scars left on Earth from dynamic warfare sprouted into vast toxic jungles filled with gigantic monstrous arthropods known as Titanids. The price of using an alien material beyond human understanding came due, and what fraction of humanity survived the horrors of dynamic warfare now faced more horrors the likes of which they could have never imagined.

Those who were more fortunate managed to escape to an artificial satellite planet, which now orbits as the Earth’s second moon, Nexus. The less fortunate were left behind to watch Nexus fall into orbit from the poisoned surface. The remaining human population was meagre at the time of the exodus, but attempts were made by those left behind to rebuild what was salvaged into a reborn civilization.


…The year is approximately 25XX and You are a resident of just one of several bastions of human civilization surviving on the earth’s surface known as kingdoms. Your kingdom Acolyte is situated in the central portion of Europe. Resting on the valley floor, the hills keep the bustling kingdom safe from the brutal elements of the wastes, and toxic jungle just beyond them.

The jungle is ever-growing, and though it can be entered and explored with proper protection and precaution, true survival within is impossible. Acolyte and other Kingdoms work tirelessly to withstand the spread of the toxic jungles, the threat of Titanids, and Earth’s ever-depleting resources. In these desperate times, conflict between kingdoms is common, as much as camaraderie. Allies and enemies can change or disappear altogether overnight.

Exploring the jungle is necessary for some. It is done to acquire resources and reach ruins of lost civilizations that might house long-forgotten innovations or valuable history. However, this always comes at a high cost. Only Acolyte’s military forces are equipped to enter the jungle with any promise of survival thanks to their technological, medical, and defensive prowess.

You, the Player…

“As the jungles close in, Acolyte needs you more than ever.”

…A slogan that has been heard a dozen times if you grew up in Acolyte or within reach of its influence. Indeed, with each passing day, there are fewer and fewer resources as the Earth becomes uninhabitable to native life. Conflict arises as the kingdoms scramble for whatever remaining territory they can keep.

Acolyte is known for its recently introduced mandatory military service, praised as a sign of prosperity and unity among their residents. The minimum requirement is that the residents serve 2-4 years in the forces to defend the kingdom from the looming threats of its neighboring kingdoms and Titanids. The military does not limit itself to only defensive operations, the center of the kingdom's medical, technological, scientific, and anthropological knowledge can be found within the military’s protection. This means that there is a chance for everyone to do their part to keep Acolyte standing no matter what.

The first draft notice is given at 19 years of age for domestic residents, specifics can be found on the 🗺️ Locations page, under the Acolyte section. It is highly recommended to review this section closely. Due to this, many enlisted will be between the ages of 19-23, however, for several reasons, there may be older faces among the ranks. Some may have stayed years beyond what is required, some are new to the kingdom and must complete their service upon qualifying as a resident, others may have only just qualified for service or volunteered to re-enlist years after initial service, etc.

As for your addition to Acolyte, perhaps they were born there or were forced to make the kingdom their new home. One way or the other your character has found themselves in Acolyte primed to begin their service and on their way to Symposium…


Symposium serves as one of the hubs for Acolyte's military, the coveted placement for any incoming soldiers. The reputation that precedes the facility is of an infectious and enduring sense of camaraderie among those enlisted. The Symposium holds technological wonders maintained and repurposed for Acolyte’s use. It is notorious for being a place for those searching for a purpose.