Visual Reference

Name Nemo Hopfield-Meyer
Age 24
Gender Male
Pronouns He
Height 5‘7”

The Retainer

                                *`Captain of Ivern`*

🫧 About

Nemo is the current captain of Ivern and someone to kick back and enjoy yourself with. He is a comic savant and a giant robot superfan who is obsessed with archiving and collecting lost media. Nemo is known for hosting movie nights and building some pretty incredible, albeit questionable apparatuses and contraptions.

🫧 Personality

ENFJ-A | 1w9 | Chaotic Good

♊︎ ☉ | ♒︎ ☽ | ♐︎ ↑ | ♉︎ V | ♐︎ M

<aside> 💭 outgoing independent adventurous cheeky impressionable scattered careless absent-minded impersonal


While Nemo is gifted in reasoning, recognizing patterns, and systematically solving complex problems he can sometimes lack in the realm of common sense. He is open and amicable, although his over-friendliness can sometimes pass off as disingenuous. As much as he tried to assume an everyman persona, Nemo's benign exterior conceals lofty ideals and ambition which tend to greatly outsize his abilities. Otherwise, he wishes to appear approachable and helpful to comfortably assume his role as a captain.

Nemo is a true idealist. He is bright and inventive. He likes to stay on his feet, motivated by curiosity and desire to bring about change. He prefers to orient himself outwards which manifests in extroversion. He enjoys busying himself with other people and numerous projects to avoid sitting with his feelings too much. Nemo is a workaholic with his constant tendency to bury himself in various things with several projects going on at once. He has trouble completing all of them, which results in a massive pile of work-in-progress.

Despite his prowess in the realm of iterators and robotics, Nemo is an unabashed airhead who likes to work hard and play hard. He would much rather bond with his camp through fun activities than any real work to everyone’s dismay. Past a point his distractibility can get deeply frustrating. He doesn’t really mean it, but it can be a pain to work with.

🫧 Stats

COOL 0 +1

10 HP

Weapon Type ¤ Polestaff, Trident

Weapon Rank ¤ C [2 DMG]

Armour Points ¤ 1


A double-ended black trident accented with blue.

🫧 Traits


Members of Ivern start with a permanent 1 ARMOR POINT, which mitigates any damage taken by 1.


If your health falls below 50% [5HP or less] you may attempt to push through your injuries with hope alone.

Roll +COOL. With a roll of 10+, add 2 DMG to the next attack.


Take +1 COOL.