Visual Reference

Name Shiloh Riley
Age 31
Gender Non Binary
Pronouns They
Height 5‘10”

The Emissary

                  *`F.K.A Silver Gauntlet`*

¤ About

Shiloh is Symposium’s second in command and a point of liaison between Symposium and the Conclave. Once, Shiloh was Orel’s former captain. They only stepped up about a year ago, replacing the former Emissary Esai Vail.

¤ Personality

INTJ-A | 1w2 | True Neutral

♎︎ ☉ | ♍︎ ☽ | ♑︎ ↑ | ♒︎ V | ♑︎ M

<aside> 👁️‍🗨️ methodical assertive soft-spoken enigmatic solitary idealistic blunt aloof peculiar


At a glance, Shiloh Riley is hard to pin down beyond their aloofness. However, they are more than meets the eye. Shiloh is driven by rigid ambition to improve themselves and give a platform for others to transform into their best possible self.

Shiloh is the kind of person who is confident in their abilities and is assured in their capacity to get things done. Their passion is unlike a burning fire, but more akin to a distant blue star. They favour rules and consistency above a more flexible approach, which can make them rigid and uncompromising.

Shiloh appears very put together, if not a touch too pristinely controlled. It's not a matter of putting a leash on their emotions, they naturally do not emote much, which is the one thing they do not have a lot of governance over. Their charisma is strange, cloying and deliberate, bearing the full intent of getting under your skin. They are naturally curious and drawn to those who tend to withhold most about themselves to decipher them like a puzzle for the satiation of their interests.

Diplomacy is Shiloh's strongest suit as they possess an extraordinary understanding of negotiations and diplomatic language. Similarly, they try to navigate their interpersonal relationships in a way that often feels sanitized and impersonal, which can be off-putting to others.

Shiloh has a lot of trouble relating to others and thus prefers to spend most of their time alone and bury themselves in work. They enjoy discussing intellectual topics and are unafraid to delve beyond logic into broader, philosophical realms. Despite their penchant for intellect, they possess a good grasp of creativity and artistry which they then apply to their job.

¤ Stats


10 HP

Weapon Type ¤ Firearms, Electro-Plasma Rifle

Weapon Rank ¤ C [2DMG]

Armour Points ¤ 0

Electro-Plasma Rifle

A formidable weapon capable of inflicting STUNeffect on the foe. The effect incapacitates the foe for one turn after the initial attack.

¤ Traits


Gain an advantage on one SHARP roll once per battle without needing to expend COOL.


You can borrow one of the other camps’ mandatory traits for the entire duration of the battle.

The trait must be used before initiating a battle, stating your chosen mandatory trait.


If your opponent fails their attack roll, roll 2d6 + [2 COOL] in an attempt to attack them in the interim. Can only be used once in the duration of a fight.