<aside> 👁️‍🗨️ These giant, monstrous arthropods appeared at approximately the same time as the jungles. It is said that these creatures seemingly spawned out of nowhere, before beginning to venture out of their territory and placing themselves at the top of the food chain.

Most Titanids are known for devouring everything in their path. Titanids are no longer confined by the bounds of their jungle, continuing to multiply rapidly...


Nervous System & Biology

Originating from the Phylum Arthropoda family and their 7 classes, Titanid brain structures either commit closely to their original genetic material and frame with a tri-section brain; the deutocerebrum, the protocerebrum, and the tritocerebrum.

However due to dynamo exposure, time, breeding and adaptive behaviors. Different lineages of Titanids have adapted a mind similar to the ones of mammals while retaining the facets that made their segmented family unique such as antennal lobes and mushroom bodies. It is important to note that even titanids of the same species do not guarantee the same biological mutations within the nervous system, Titanids thereby have their unique characteristics and cannot be judged as all having either complex or simple thought processes despite being the same classification or physical appearance.

<aside> 👁️‍🗨️

This observation justifies why certain tItanids can be tamed, while others exhibit high levels of aggression towards humankind and other titanids.
